Stewart Screens is a company that focuses on integrity and home theaters. Stewart Filmscreen makes the screens that are used in every professional screening room in Hollywood. For anyone who wants to build a home theater, the best choice is Stewart Screens. To review and hopefully purchase a Stewart Screen, visit
html. Have you ever wanted to invest in a home theater so that you could spend more time with the family watching films? Do you enjoy going to the movies watching all of the action right in front of your eyes, your ears engulfed with clear and crisp sounds? Do you want a home theater that provides you with the best screens you'll ever come into contact with? If you do, you should most definitely consider Stewart Screens. Stewart Screens realize the importance of matching a screen with a projector. The company also realizes that both the screen and projector should match the room perfectly as well as how both are intended to be used. Stewart Screens know that different projectors and screens are for different occasions. A white screen is perfect for a night with your significant other because for the movie to show up, it has to be dark.
But let's say you've invited some of your friends over for a night to watch the latest sports games. Turning off the lights would not be ideal in this situation, right? Stewart Screens is able to recognize and work with these small discrepancies. The company focuses on three specific types of screens. The first type is the Firehawk.
This screen is made of a dark gray material that enhances black levels and increases brightness. The second type of screen is the Grayhawk. The Grayhawk is a neutral density screen that is gray. It works best with brighter projectors and smaller screens. The last type of Stewart Screen is the StudioTek.
This screen is the standard projection screen that you'll see. It is ideal for low output projectors and rooms that have controlled lighting.
Jeff Glenn is the author of reviews for products such as the JVC DLA RS2, Sony VPL VW60, and Stewart Screens.